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Fan Insights (CRM)

Fan Insights allows you for to view and save key information about your fans and their preferences. This way, you can tailor your content and engagement strategies. Check it out how it works on the video below:

How it works

Personal Info

In the "Personal Info" section, you can view, add, and manage important details about your fans, such as:

  • Personal Name: You can add a personal name or nickname to easily identify and remember your fans.
  • Birthday: Keep track of your fans' birthdays and send them special wishes and offers.
  • Location: Fan Insights automatically shows the current local time based on their location. This helps you engage with them at their most exciting times.
  • Language: Change the language you speak with this fan and generate better and more personalized AI Chatter messages. We currently support English, Spanish, Russian, French, and Portuguese.

You can also see the lists that the fan participates in and their purchase history.


Similarly to Inbox Prioritization, Fan Insights also displays fan badges. These badges provide important information about the fan's engagement and spending behavior. For more details on badges, please refer to the Inbox Prioritization help page.

Total Spent

The "Total Spent" section in Fan Insights shows the breakdown of a fan's spending by type, including messages, posts, tips, and streams. This information helps you understand which content or interaction types resonate the most with your fans, allowing you to tailor your offerings accordingly.


In Fan Insights, you can add tags to your fans based on their preferences or your own categories. For example, you can use tags like "VIP", "Feet Lover" or any other relevant tags.

To add tags, simply write your tag in the input box and press Enter. To delete tags, double-click on them.

The first tag you add will also appear on Inbox Prioritization


Here, you can add any additional information or data about your fans. There is no character limit, giving you the flexibility to add as much information as you like. This can include specific preferences, interactions, or any other details that help you provide a personalized experience for your fans.


As you know, we strongly focus on privacy. Hence, we only store essential data necessary for the smooth functioning of this feature. We are committed to maintaining a secure and trustworthy platform while respecting your privacy and ensuring a positive experience 💜

If you have any further questions, comments, or suggestions, please reach out to our support team.